Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Didn't you all hear? The mohawk is BACK! It's in and we're sporting it! So please stop asking mommy if she really cut our hair to look like this.
Now moving on to bigger and better things. Food. Food is's really a good thing to have around. If mommy needs to get some stuff done in the kitchen - we love it because she puts us in our chairs and gives us fruit. Our favorite is frozen grapes. YUMMY! Meal time is the one time that we argue over mommy and daddy's attention. If the ratio isn't 1:1 - all heck breaks loose. We know that 1 mommy = 1 bowl & 1 spoon. And we have perfected the "I want a bite!" whine. She should just clone herself and we'd be all set.
On-the-go update: Emily is crawling...backward. Hannah is crawling...forward. Hailey is no longer using her outside voice when she wants to change positions because she has since learned how to roll over in both directions. So now she just rolls her way around...while using her outside voice to let everyone know she's coming.
Hannah, Hailey & Emmie (no comment on the font/color issues once again)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the great pictures and stories! Now I am in a cheery fall mood. And I can't wait to see your Halloween costumes! -Kerry
