Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ER visit...???

But not for the girls! It was for me (mom). What's wrong? Absolutely nothing. With the girls getting older and becoming a 'bit' more active, Pete and I thought it would be best for one of us to be home during the day with them. I had an interview for a part time, 2nd shift position in the ER last week and today I was offered the job. It's bitter sweet though. I love my job where I am. I love the people I work with and I love getting up and going to work in the morning. I laugh every day at work. Leaving is going to be hard to say the least.

But times change as do our priorities and right now the girls are our priority. So I guess it was meant to be that the position in the ER opened just as we were thinking about a change.

This means more play dates, dance classes at Kate's, trips to the Science Center and of course the mall...all a lot more often. We won't have to jam pack the weekends full of things since I'll be home during the day. But we'll also be taking a big pay cut since I'm going from full time to part time. No more coffee at D&D!!!! (oh...but I'll get my coffee - one pot at a time right at home) lol

It's exciting and scary at the same time. But we'll make it work as a family because that's what we do.



  1. That is good that you have a career that allows you a job with non-standard 9 to 5 hours. Congrats on the new job.

  2. that's awesome! my field doesn't have a night shift so I don't work outside the home anymore but I definitely work my butt off everyday, you are going to LOVE your time with the girls it sounds like you have many plans already! congrats!
