Friday, February 13, 2009


So I've gotten a few phone calls already about the pic of me below. "Why on earth would you put that on the internet?!?!" Lol. It's ok really. I don't mind showing the world what I looked my view - it was all worth it in the end.
Anyhow - to continue the story from the time Pete and I had to "rush" to the hospital (we really didn't rush...and neither one of us was in a panic). After I was contracting so much the nurses gave me some meds to stop the contractions...and they worked. They also started steroid injections to help the girls lungs mature quicker than normal. Silly me - I was still thinking that I was going home the next day. But then the doc finally broke the news that no...I was not going home...I would be in the hospital on strict bed rest until the girls arrival. Now I know that I'm lucky because some people end up in the hospital on bed rest way before this point. Plus...I was admitted to the very hospital where Pete and I both worked at the time. (I still work here...but he has since found another job elsewhere). I felt so lucky because people came to see me all the time everyday. Pete was there in the morning before work, he would have lunch with me and then come hang out to watch TV after work until it was time for him to go home and sleep. My friends from work staggered their lunches so they came up at different times. Then the docs would randomly stop by during the day/evening when they were up in the hospital. The BEST thing was that my friend Kim (we work in the same office) told all the docs they weren't allowed to visit unless they brought food! I love her for this. As time passed I was able to get 3 steroid injections for the girls lungs. I knew this was great. I knew that these injections were really going increase their chances of not having breathing problems when they were born. I'm not contracting as often - and they're monitoring me all the time now. Ultrasounds, measurements, scans and so on. They're keeping a close eye on the girls and I was all about letting them. Plus...the more ultrasounds I had - the more I got to see the girls!
Now moving on the food aspect of the my hospital stay. They didn't let me eat for the 1st 24 hours I was there. They weren't sure if I was going to need to deliver so they were playing it safe. When I finally did get the green light to order some food I called down to the kitchen and started to tell the girl what I'd like for dinner. After a minute she said "'re not ordering 2 meals. You know you're not allowed to share food here." OMG! At this point...I'm starving. And if one person in the world thinks I'm sharing food they're out of their minds! So I calmly say to her "I'm pregnant with triplets - I think I should be able to order as much food as I'd like." She replies "well you'll have to have special orders sent to the kitchen then because we don't let people order that much food" Now - not only do I feel like a whale but I'm pissed. And you don't want to piss off a pregnant woman who hasn't eaten in 24 hours. Especially one that works there. I don't pull strings or call in's not my thing. But you better believe that I called some people that day! By the very next day I was visited by the hospital nutritionist. I was explaining how I need to eat 4,000 calories a day and I was NOT going to fight with people in the kitchen for my food everyday. I was given full access to order whatever I wanted in the kitchen and upon reviewing the "menu" I decided that it wasn't healthy enough and was then given full access to the kitchen and cafeteria (we have outside vendors cooking fresh food everyday in the cafeteria). This made me very happy. Until.........I called the kitchen one day and the guy answers the phone and before I can even say who I am he says "Oh hi Michelle! What can I send up for you now?" Any dreams of eating french fries quickly diminished because now EVERYONE knows. I'm pregnant with triplets and I need to eat healthy. Hehe...what they don't know is that I have a fast-food-super-junkie-eating little brother who made sure I got my fries and Taco Bell when needed. And let's not forget the docs who brought food. No worries...I'll post total weight gain in another post. I'm sure you're all just dying to know how much a pregnant woman gains when she's eating for herself + 3!!!!

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