Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Mom and grandma have been taking all of us for walks during the day. Hannah gets to be in the snugglie with mommy & Emily and Hailey get to ride in the stroller. We walk all around the complex and over the bridge with the water. It's nice because we get to see all kinds of new things! We see squirrels, birds, cats, dogs, turtles, ducks, bunnies and so much more!!!!

Mom keeps telling us that we're getting bigger and bigger every day. We know it must be true because mom has a bunch of clothes that don't fit us anymore...and we don't fit into our premie clothes anymore either! We're trying! We eat a whole can of formula a day and we go through at least 24 bottles each day. Sometimes more if we want a snack or two.

We love to explore with our hands right now. We like reaching for things and feeling them although we're not sure exactly what we're doing yet. Emily lets us know how much she loves her food by cooing when she's eating. She also smiles a whole bunch now too. Mom and dad say we have our own personalities already. They say Hannah is the thinker because she looks like she's always thinking about something. Emily is the laid back one and Hailey is the trouble maker. They say it's a good thing that there are three of us because this way we can take care of each other! We like that there are 3 of us because we'll always have a friend and we'll always have someone to play with.

We miss having daddy home with us all day when he's at work but mom keeps saying "someone has to pay the bills and someone has to watch the girls!" But daddy calls during the day to make sure that mommy is playing with us and teaching us new things.

Well - mommy is getting sleepy so we have to put her to bed so she's not cranky tomorrow. We're going to try to let her get some sleep tonight. We woke her up every hour last night...hehe.

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