Wednesday, April 8, 2009

1 vs 3

I'm not talking about 'them' against 'me'...even though that's usually the way it goes. I'm talking about having 1 child vs 3 children. Having 3 at a time is much different than 1 as you can imagine. Here's a little insight to 3: While at the store I have mastered the technique of no eye contact, head down and quickly gathering everything I need while saying to all the onlookers/commenters "Thank you. Have a nice day!" We absolutely can not go anywhere without the general population rudely commenting/questioning the 'naturalness' of our crew. There is always someone ready to shout "well that one looks bigger?!?!" or "you don't look like you had triplets." Really? What is someone suppose to 'look' like? "What are their names?" "How much did they weigh?" "Oh - I bet they spent a long time in the hospital." Duh. These are just some of the most common questions/comments. Usually I'm tolerant enough to stop and answer a few questions and chat but some times I just want to get my shopping done and move on with our day. I have in fact taken 1 out and people still comment but it's completely different. "Oh - she's such a cutie!" or "how old is she?". Funny how no one asks me how I got pregnant with just 1. While out with one has ever said "is she natural?" & I can get my shopping done in 1/2 the time. Not a complaint - just a comparison. There are days when I purposely bring my girls out in public...I love to show off how beautiful and good they are! Who wouldn't? It's just that there's a big difference when traveling with 1 vs 3. There's the obvious 3x the formula, diapers, wipes and food. But also 3x the love. Hugs and kisses are plenty in our house. 1 on 1 time with them is what I miss out on the most. I don't get to just spend hours with one of them. I can't spoil them with new toys or just bring something home for them. I'm always on the hunt for used clothes, toys and looking into the future for what we'll be needing soon. For example...right now I'm currently researching potty seats, toddler beds and outdoor baby play gates. We're constantly selling and rebuying things on ebay to keep up with their growing needs. With 1 - I assume I would be buying new things. With 3 - they have become very independent. They don't need to be held or picked up constantly and they're ALWAYS playing with each other. They'll always have a friend and always have someone to talk to. When 3 get sick - 2 of us have to take time off from time sharing there. We know that to leave 1 person home with 3 sick kids is recipe for disaster and mental breakdowns. When 3 wake up in the morning - they're not calling for mama or dada or even crying. They're talking to each other (planning their next attack against mommy I'm sure!). With 1 - it's hard to video tape wrestling matches in your living room...with 3 - I have filled my computers memory with videos of wrestling matches and all out laughter. With 1 - you can pack up and go go go! With 3 - there's a lot more planning before the 'go' part of the day can happen. And then there's the fact that my house is no longer the cleanest house on the block. Something I use to take pride and joy in. I loved cleaning my house. I loved having a clean house to come home to every day from work. Now...I love coming home to a toy filled, high pitched noisy home where I have to play hopscotch over cheerios and cheese to get to my 3 beautiful babies waiting to grab me and smother my face with wet kisses and trying to tell me all about their day in some baby talk that no adult human has ever mastered the technique of understanding. With that said - I wouldn't change it for the world. At the same time - I would never wish 3 babies at one time on anyone. When someone tells me they're pregnant it's usually followed up with a quick "just 1 though!". And I'm so happy for them. They will hopefully be able to hold their baby right after giving birth. They should be able to bring their baby home from the hospital with them. And they will be able to let their baby fall asleep on their chest for hours at a time because no other baby will be screaming for attention.
There you have it. 1 vs 3. It has it's benefits and it has it's disadvantages - on both sides. The best things do come in 3's. But there's no rule that says they have to come at the same time...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your last quote... "The best things do come in 3's. But there's no rule that says they have to come at the same time...". Soo true!!!
    I really liked hearing your perspective on the 3. When I get 'annoyed' with the public I try to remember that this sis very temporary. My sister has triplets as well, who are 6 and she very rarely gets stopped now. We are only going to be 'famous' for another few years. Enjoy :-)
