Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moving on....

So I never really get through the "food" issues at the hospital. They either forgot to bring my food, didn't get the order right or delivered my food to the room next door. I actually started ordering extra food to store in the fridge on our floor so that when they did mess up my order...I would still be able to eat. Mmmmm. Those were the days. Now it was my understanding that being on bed REST was to get REST and make sure you were giving the babies all of your energy so they can grow and be healthy. WHY then did the nurses feel the need to wake me up at all hours of the night to take my blood pressure and monitor the babies? At one point I had a nurse wake me up at 3:00 in the morning to monitor the babies. I asked if she could possibly do it later and she said "well not really - my shift ends at 7 and I have orders to monitor you one more time tonight." I'm like "Really? At 3 in the morning?" And she replies "well I won't have time later. I'll be busy with the shift changes." I kindly replied "well I don't have time right now because as you can see - I'm sleeping. Have a good night and don't let the door hit your @ss on the way out." When the docs came through for rounds the next morning I informed them that on my chart they were to erase any orders that may include waking me up between the hours of 11pm and 6am. I thought that was fair and the docs agreed. No more midnight intrusions.
When I was admitted to the hospital they did a growth scan on the girls. This is something they had done throughout the pregnancy to make sure the girls were growing and to this point...all of the scans went well. After the scan this time - they had a medical student come to talk with me. He said "blah blah blah blah blah, Baby A is growth restricted, blah blah blah blah...we'll do another scan in 2 weeks time." Lots of medical jargon. I work at a hospital and I know a lot more medical terminology than someone that doesn't work in the medical field. So I calmly say "Baby A - her name is Hailey. Would you please explain what you mean by 'growth restricted'?" And I can't quote what was said but basically he told me that "Baby A" hadn't grown much at all since the last scan and that they would just "keep an eye on things" and do another scan in 2 weeks. If she still hasn't grown - they will deliver the girls. I'm not a patient person. And there was no way in hell I was waiting 2 weeks time to see if things had changed. If Hailey isn't growing inside of me - I know that she'll be better off outside of me with some medical interventions. I speak to the attending physician in charge and they agree to do another scan in 1 week rather than 2. This makes me happy. I haven't yet hit the "OMG" moment of being a mother to triplets at this point. I think I was still using every ounce of my energy making sure I was doing everything right so the girls had the best chance of a healthy birth. My pregnancy was really uneventful. At one point one of the MFM docs said to me "you were meant to carry triplets!" The only thing I could say to this was "Maybe - but only once."
More visitors, more food, lots of reading, some TV & only Lord knows how many hours spent on the phone. I keep the cleaning lady in my room longer than she should be - she has a sweet nature about her and she keeps telling me how lucky I am to be having 3 girls. She has 3 boys, not all at once, but she's always wanted a little girl. I should count my blessings...this is what she tells me everyday. She also says she'll pray for me. I can't remember her name (add it to my every growing list of things I can't remember since pregnancy).

1 comment:

  1. UGH i despised the nurses and even more so the residents that would come in at all hours and just flip on the lights like it wasn't a big deal that it was 3:00 or 4:00am! i was on bedrest in the hospital for two months and i agree i think someone needs to inform the inconsiderate people of the REST part of bedrest :o)
