Saturday, May 30, 2009


That's what we must be. At least that's how people seem to think we should be treated right? Mommy & daddy take us everywhere. And why shouldn't they? We're a FAMILY. We travel as such. We may not travel 'light' but we travel none the same. We were at the grocery store last weekend - 5 (yes...that's F I V E) people commented and/or asked about taking a picture of us. At one point mommy had it...she doesn't usually lose her patience with people in public when it comes to us. We're cute. And we know it. And mommy knows it. But sometimes (and we quote) she just "wants to get some damn milk people!" We don't mind the 'cute' comments or the small chit chat every now and then. But pictures? C'mon people! If you were in a store with your child and a random stranger came up and asked to take a picture - what would you say? We went to Mystic Aquarium last weekend and today - we went to the zoo (we'll post another post with pics of that later...when we're not venting for mommy). And these types of outings are fairly new to all of us. Mommy still hasn't gotten use to people thinking she's a traveling circus act. We don't help with the fact that we now wave and smile at just about everyone walking by. Mommy has a high tolerance for the comments...but we should warn you that if you even think about touching us - you may lose a hand and/or an entire limb. Mommy says it's the choo choo wagon that seems to give the green light to open up the question forum. We love love love our wagon so she better not even think about ditching it. She's probably right though. The wagon seems to draw an unusual crowd. Including those who think it's another ride if our butts aren't planted in the seats. ( little kids actually tried hopping in today when daddy was holding one us). Brings a whole new meaning to 'move your feet, lose your seat!' Eh...that's our gripe for the day. We had fun at the zoo. Uncle Joey came...duh. We'll post pics and commentary on that tomorrow. We need to catch some zzzzz's so we can be on our best behavior for a picnic at Kelly's!

1 comment:

  1. and you guys were great at the picnic brunch! Soooo much fun playing catch with you guys
